Each time you upload information on a web hosting server, it will need an amount of storage space on the hdd dependent on its size. When you operate a script-driven internet site which saves its data in a database, it will take more disk space, the more people make use of it. For instance, if you have a community forum, the greater amount of comments people share, the bigger the database will get. E-mails, especially ones with attachments, also need some disk space in the web hosting account. The disk space quota that you receive with each web hosting supplier is the overall amount of info you could have at any given moment, it features web site files, e-mail messages as well as databases. Similarly, a computer has a hdd and the computer software installed on it along with all of the documents and / or music files that you create or download take some space, which cannot exceed the full capacity of your hard disk.

Disk Space in Web Hosting

Using our web hosting plans, you'll never concern yourself with disk storage. While most suppliers set up accounts using just a single server and sooner or later all the server hard disk storage is being used, we have implemented a cloud hosting system where the files, e-mail messages as well as the databases are taken care of by different groups of servers. By doing this, every single machine functions better as just a single type of processes is working on it, plus the disk storage is unrestricted since we can always add extra servers or hard disks to the cluster, depending on whether we need additional processing power or extra space. You'll never encounter a position in which you can't upload more files since there's no free disk space on your server, that's something you may experience with many other providers. If you use our web hosting services, you can be sure that shortage of space will not be a setback for the progress of your websites.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you acquire a semi-dedicated server package from our firm, you'll not need to worry about the hdd space that you can use due to the basic reason that this characteristic is unrestricted. Unlike a number of other hosting companies that advertise an identical service, but generate accounts on a single machine where a limited number of hard disks can be attached, we make use of an avant-garde cloud platform that uses groups of servers. All your files will be stored on a single cluster, the emails on a different one, the databases on a third one etc. This system has 2 significant advantages - first, the disk space can never finish as we can install additional servers to each cluster that requires them, and second, the servers will run much more effectively since they'll take care of just a single kind of processes. A semi-dedicated server package offers you the opportunity to expand your sites as much as you need.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

Selecting dedicated web hosting plans you will get all the hdd space that you will need for your websites, databases, email messages and applications. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage will be accessible and not shared with anybody else, which means that you are able to upload all of the info you need to - web site files, personal or company archive backup copies, and many more. You'll have no less than two hard disks that work in RAID, so that one drive will mirror the other in real time in order to ensure that all of your precious content is always backed up. If you like, you will be able to use the hard drives independently and utilize the whole storage space the way you see fit. If required, you can get extra hard drives added to your server to have even additional disk space. You'll have the option to set up website hosting accounts with pre-defined hard disk space allocations when you order your server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel. Choosing Hepsia, which is your third Control Panel choice on the order page, all domain names hosted on the server will share the disk space and they will be controlled via a single account. In each case, our dedicated plans will satisfy all your demands whatever the kind of web site you wish to host.